How dial to CHILE from United States

as calling Chile

How dial to CHILE from United States . If you are in the United States and want call Chile to communicate with family and friends. You must know the telephone prefixes of Chile and the city also calledphone codes Olocal area codes.

You may be business in USA and you need to know how DIAL TO Chile For here is the country code or AREA CODE to call CHILE.

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How dial to CHILE from USA

The first thing you need to know to know as dialing from the US to Chile The following codes are:

  • CODE for international calls from USA
  • And the phone you gonna call

You have to mark them in that order and so simple you'll know how mark for Chile.

code to call Chile
code to call Chile

Code to call Chile

Well Now here I show as dialing from USA to Chile:

011 + 56 + City + Number

Being the (011) the code for international calls from United States. The (56) is the Chile code.Then you have to put the city code and finally the phone number where you gonna call.

Important note: Signs of “+” not marked.

CHILE code: 56

The code to call Chile from USA.

As marked US to Chile City Area Code:

Since you clear the way it works US to mark CHILE. Now you have to look at the following list of prefixes AREA CODE CITY 1 from 2 digit phone number 6 from 7 digits to complete your international dialing CHILE.

How to add a Chilean WhatsApp number from the United States?

Do you need to add a Chile WhatsApp number from the United States, but you do not know his number with international code? Learn how to add it to WhatsApp below.

Don't ever fail to have to add a cell phone from Chile. If you need to speak with a relative of yours in Santiago de Chile or another of the beautiful cities of Chile, but you don't know how to add your number with international code, WhatsApphas a series of tricks that very few people know.

If it is urgent to have to talk with someone who is in Chile, then do the following

It is important to remember that when we add anumber from Chile toWhatsApp, we must put +56 (code ofChile), then the code of the special zone is used9 followed by the corresponding eight-digit number.. So the way to enter the full number of Chile to your WhatsApp would be like this:


How to mark Santiago de Chile from USA

¿How to dial from USA to the SANTIAGO DE CHILE area code? To call Santiago de Chile from the USA. UU. In an easy way, follow these marking instructions:

  • First dial 011, the US exit code. UU.
  • Then dial 56, the Chile country code.
  • Then check the area code 1/2 digit (from the list of calling codes below).
  • And finally, The number of Phone of 6/7 digit

How to mark Santiago de Chile:
011 56 2 xxx xxxx(from the US or Canada)

All area codes of major cities in Chile are:


Area Codes by City

XV Region of Arica and Parinacota
Provinces of Arica and Parinacota58
First Region
Iquique Province and Tamarugal57
II Region of Antofagasta
Provinces of Antofagasta, El Loa and Tocopilla55
Atacama Region III
Huasco Province51
Chañaral and Copiapó provinces52
IV Region of Coquimbo
Elqui Province51
Limarí and Choapa provinces53
V Region of Valparaiso
Provinces of Easter Island and Valparaiso32
Petorca and Quillota provinces33
Provinces of Los Andes and San Felipe de Aconcagua34
San Antonio Province35
Easter Island Province39
Santiago Metropolitan Region
Provinces of Chacabuco, Cordillera, Maipo, Melipilla, Santiago and Talagante2
VI O'Higgins Region53
Provinces of Cachapoal, Cardenal Caro and Colchagua72
Maule Region VII
Province of Talca71
Cauquenes and Linares provinces73
Curico Province75
Biobio Region VIII
Provinces of Arauco and Concepción41
Province of Dims42
Biobío Province43
IX Region of Araucanía
Cautín and Malleco Provinces45
XIV Region of the Rivers
Provinces of Ranco and Valdivia63
X Region of Los Lagos
Osorno Province64
Provinces of Chiloé, Llanquihue and Palena65
XI Region of Aysen of General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo
Aysen provinces, captain Prat, Coihaique and General Carrera67
XII Region of Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica
Provinces of Chilean Antarctica, Magallanes, Tierra del Fuego and Last Hope61
code to call Chile
code to call Chile

As US call to a cell in CHILE

Cell phones in Chile are preceded by the digit 9 then the country code and have 9 then digit country code 56.

Cell phones in Chile do not carry a city code, therefore they are not geographical. It is not possible to know in which city then resides a cellular user from its number.

For example a cell in Chile 011 56-9-5678-4199

This article can also be found as:

How to call Chile from USA, As mark Chile USA, Call Chile from USA, As a mark for Chile, As a framework to Chile, To call Chile, Chile Flag from USA, How dial to CHILE from United States .

As part of USA to Chile, How to call Chile from the United States, Code to call Chile from USA, Dialing from USA to Chile, What is the code to call Chile, As mark Chile US, Area to call Chile. As a framework to Chile from USA and Chile Flag.

See more international codes:

How to call Colombia
code to call Peru
Mexico code

An option to mark Chile from the United States is through a pre-paid card.

They offer an affordable service and is an alternative for use in lines that do not have international call service, also, They can also be used to make the call from a cell phone.

These cards are available in supermarkets, the price depends on the minutes offers, and can be used from a payphone.

To make calls with aprepaid card should follow the following 3 Steps:

  1. Call toll-free number listed on the card
  2. Dial the PIN number, This number can be found on the back of the card.
  3. And finally mark the corresponding codes.

But if you want to save a lot of money on your calls to Chile it is best to use the service Cliqa.

Cliqa is a company 100% America dedicated to providing financial services and quality telephony. You can install the app on your cell Cliqa and from there to buy airtime for international calls. Easy, Fast and safe. Use Cliqa and save a lot of money.

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