How dial to Guatemala from United States

How to call Guatemala

As dialing from the United States to Guatemala. If you are in the United States and want call Guatemala to communicate with family and friends.

You may be business in USA and you need to know how Guatemala mark For here is the country code or AREA CODE to call GUATEMALA.

United States phone code

How do you dial Tigo from a landline to a cell phone? 2022?

Make a phone call to a cell phone in operating systems, like Claro and Tigo, do not require a complicated process. The same happens when the procedure is performed in the opposite way. Keep reading…

How dial to GUATEMALA from USA

The first thing you need to know to know as dialing from the US to Guatemala The following codes are:

  • CODE for international calls from USA
  • And the phone you gonna call

You have to mark them in that order and so simple you'll know how mark for Guatemala.

code to call Guatemala
code to call Guatemala

Code to call Guatemala

Well Now here I show as dialing from the USA to Guatemala:

011 + 502 + City + Number

Being the (011) the code for international calls from United States. The (502) is the Guatemala code.Then you have to put the city code and finally the phone number where you gonna call.

Important note: Signs of “+” not marked.

Guatemala code: 502

The code to call Guatemala from USA.

As US brand with Guatemala City Area Code:

Since you clear the way it works dialing USA to Guatemala. Now you have to look at the following list of prefixes CODE city area to complete your international dialing to Guatemala.

FOR EXAMPLE Dialing from the US to Guatemala City? very easy: 011 + 502 + CITY + the 8 digit phone.

All area codes of major cities in Guatemala are:

CityCity code
Antigua Guatemala7
Guatemala city2
Guatemala city (surroundings)6
Puerto Barrios7
San Marcos7
Santa Cruz del Quiché7
Only the7
code to call Guatemala
code to call Guatemala

As US call to a phone in Guatemala

Cellular numbering ranges are divided and assigned to the cellular companies operating in Guatemala: Tigo, Movistar and Claro as follows:

CompanyPrefixes Electronics in Guatemala

*: shared by several operators cellular code.

Cell in Guatemala do not carry a city code, therefore they are not geographical. It is not possible to know in which city then resides a cellular user from its number.

Cell of Guatemala have 8 digits following the country code 502.

An example of a cell is Tigo 502-4012-3456.

This article can also be found as:

How to call Guatemala from USA, As a mark of Guatemala USA, Calling Guatemala from USA, As a mark for Guatemala, As a framework to Guatemala, To call Guatemala, Guatemala Flag from USA, As dialing from the United States to Guatemala.

As part of USA to Guatemala, How to call Guatemala from United States, Code to call Guatemala from USA, Dialing From USA to Guatemala, What is the code to call Guatemala, As mark Guatemala US, Area to call Guatemala. As a framework to Guatemala from USA and Guatemala Flag.

More international codes:

 code to call Honduras
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An option to mark Guatemala from the United States is through a pre-paid card.

They offer an affordable service and is an alternative for use in lines that do not have international call service, also, They can also be used to make the call from a cell phone.

These cards are available in supermarkets, the price depends on the minutes offers, and can be used from a payphone.

To make calls with aprepaid card should follow the following 3 Steps:

  1. Call toll-free number listed on the card
  2. Dial the PIN number, This number can be found on the back of the card.
  3. And finally mark the corresponding codes.

It may interest you:
United States phone code

How to call TIGO from a Landline

If you wantdial TIGO from your landline here we list the numbers of each of its customer service departments and suppliers.

But if you want to save a lot of money on your calls to Guatemala it is best to use the service Cliqa.

Cliqa is a company 100% America dedicated to providing financial services and quality telephony. You can install the app on your cell Cliqa and from there to buy airtime for international calls. Easy, Fast and safe. Use Cliqa and save a lot of money.

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code to call


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